Monday, May 31, 2010

Nauseous and sad

Do you know what this is?

This is David and Victoria Beckham's coat of arms. Yes. "Love Friendship", and it's gushing!

I'll let Stephen Fry comment on that: "As if they though there was not enough vomit in the world!"

But even more pathetic. This above. Brooklyn Beckham, 11 yo, whose parents are already tarting up.

The shirt half out is not a mistake, it's just because King-Lord Daddy David think it's cool to look like shit. It's the very nouveau riche style. You dress like a pickey everywhere you go, even official galas and premières because you can afford it (admire the irony) but you have a coat of arms because...well because you think it makes you...some thing. I can't say what it is because I genuinely don't know why they feel the need to have a coat of arms. My family has a coat of arms and we don'f feel like it makes us...that thing! It's burried somewhere deep in one of our attics and no one gives a damn!

I can't wait. I can't wait to see Brooklyn Beckham growing into some kind of masculine Paris Hitlon: useless, brainless, talentless and utterly irrelevant whory socialite tart who believes his name and coat of arms makes him...that thing!

But hey! He's public now, he's exposing himself to out bitchy eyes and seems to be happy about that so that's great, we can now all comment on his chubbiness, his girl name (I'll call him Brookes now. Becks and Brooks, brilliant!), his obessession for Daddy and the fact that, unlike what I've heard of his brothers who actually have talents (football and break dancing), he's just completely irrelevant!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow wat a sad bitter life u have... trash talking kids...