Sunday, January 17, 2010

Sophism and a Baldwin

Stephen Baldwin, one of the worst actor in the history and a true insult to the Lumières brothers, is now an evangelist and has some very nice things to say that proves he's pretty much as thick as a wooden plank!

Let's read a few and comment, shall we?

Evolution isn't true, because if we evolved from monkeys, how can they still be here? (2010)

Although he's the proof some people have yet to evolve from monkeys.

What's next? Will a woman marry her German Shepherd? Twenty years ago, the US mainstream considered gay marriage just as wrong and misguided as a woman marrying her dog (2006)

But your wife DID marry a dog, didn't she?

I believe John McCain is going to be the next president of the United Straights [sic]… If Barack Obama is elected, I'll be moving out of the country (2008)

No! Stay there and ruin THEIR lives!

Not a lot of individuals get to refer to the Lord in their prayers as "Dude", but he's doing a new thing with me (2005)

Aw, for crying out loud!

When I have the Bible memorised, then I'll be able to go and read a couple other books (2007)

Reading, "dude"? Honestly? Although, he won't go past a couple.

More here to prove the US are still un nid de cons, quand même ¬¬

Over here, people like him have the decency to shut up. Or at least, not to be listened to or even remotely taken seriously.

Adam Rickitt

Brad Rowe

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Love + conservatism = bollocks!

Joan Smith: Tories are romantic about marriage – and wrong

Sunday, 3 January 2010 - The Independent

The Tories are a bunch of hopeless romantics. They want us to get married and stay married, a message that might seem a little ill-timed as we emerge from ten days in close proximity to our loved ones.

Both main parties want more support for fathers, which is no bad thing, but the headline-grabbing bit of the Tories' agenda is tax advantages for married couples. Labour can't go down that route, but ministers have started saying they need to refocus policy on families rather than single mothers and children.

I wouldn't mind this if the debate had more connection with reality. What the Conservatives denounce as Britain's "broken society" applies to a minority of the population, and it's actually a series of interconnected problems which won't be solved by persuading everyone to get hitched.

First and foremost is the fact that too many teenage girls get pregnant, exposing themselves to a life of emotional instability and serial relationships. I don't want these girls to get married; I'd like them to be freed from the pressure to have sex too young, which can be achieved through compulsory sex education in schools. That's what the Government is proposing for older teenagers, acknowledging that many parents aren't equipped to do it, but it's prompted hysterical opposition from "pro-family" and religious pressure groups.

The Tories have bolted themselves to a lost cause – keeping sex within marriage – when most people no longer live like that. David Willetts, who speaks on family policy for the Conservatives, is worried that marriage is becoming the preserve of the educated middle class; the number of marriages has reached a historic low of 270,000 compared with almost half a million in 1972. But what that statistic means is another matter altogether.

The Tories are fond of quoting figures which suggest that married parents are more likely to stay together, but that may just say something about the kind of people who get married. Maybe they're more conventional or more affluent, but the notion of privileging them through the tax system is morally indefensible. If marriage is such a great institution, why do couples need to be bribed to enter it? Should those who leave a violent marriage really lose money? When the Home Office suggests that one woman in four will be a victim of domestic violence, this is not merely a theoretical question.

When politicians think about the family they mix up two issues: adult relationships and bringing up children. I'm keen on stable environments for adults and children but most of us are going to have two or three significant relationships in our longer lifetimes. In that sense, lifelong marriage is way past its sell-by date, creating unrealistic expectations which leave couples unprepared when they decide to split. What they need isn't tax breaks to stay married; it's practical advice on how to remain co-parents when the intimate and sexual aspects of their relationship are over.

Labour should have more to offer on this than the Conservatives, given that several members of the present Cabinet have chosen unconventional domestic arrangements.

Instead of allowing the Tories to make the running on family policy, ministers should build on one of the outstanding successes of Labour's period in office by extending civil partnerships to heterosexual couples. It's a reform that would be simple, progressive and popular – and which would expose the Tories' pointless nostalgia for the family of the 1950s.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Chilling out (after spider).

Here's Lampard ^^


I'm going to sue Yahoo!...!

I mean, not only do they always come up with the most pointless news they obviously find in the Sun or the Daily Mail but they put that (below) on the front page without any warning.

So when I went to check on my e-mails, I just squealed like a girl and felt my heart stopping for a second.

I think I can get away with "induced stress" and easily $785 254 187 5236 985 1224 88 432 15484231 because now I'm so freaked out I'm going to have to look at pictures of Frank Lampard in his undies to chill out so I can't work properly so I won't finish my paper (and my hot chocolate, very important) and I'll get a bad mark and my teacher will fail me and I won't pass my exams and I won't be able to work and I'll fail my life altogether and end up begging for food and eating spiders and giving blowjobs to dustmen with peadophile tendencies for a euro in the backstreets of Paris.

They're an american firm, I can come up with anything to win money ^^

To the great speech, I shall be grateful

Ireland has just voted a law punishing the crime of blasphemy that states that one can say anything that would target religion in any of its form. Hello again, the Inquisition!

Atheist Ireland (my new best friends) delibrately published blasphemeous quotes from famous people. Here's my favourite so far:

Richard Dawkins:

"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully."

Eventually, I'll do something about the God of Christians, what a lovely person he is indeed just quoting what's been said, not in the Bible, but arround us everyday.

Cory Bound