So yes, you got it! It’s the kind of utter fake shows with a man surrounded by a entire filming crew who goes to some supposedly very dangerous places the likes of deserts…to show us how wonderful is the “natural genuine life”.
When the man is cute, you somehow enjoy watching him with some dirty make up taking a bath in a freezing cold river. But Ray Mears is a typical English man: tall, paler than aspirin and 30 kilos overweight.

Here is a man who supposedly spends his life on the “extreme survival” mode but remains always as white as snow in the desert and obviously overweight. In spite of the fact that we saw him telling us that, in some forest no one cares about, you can only eat ants to survive. Maybe they were deep fried ants the size of XXL fish and chips?
When it comes to being filmed as he moves further deep into the jungle, we always see him from the front. Which means that the cameraman and the man with the big microphone are before him moving backwards in the virgin very dangerous jungle to record that fat bugger surviving extreme conditions.
The worst from Ray Mears is his utterly unbearable excitement for everything that is said to be “true and genuine”. So not like the life we are living now. He’s exactly the kind of Western man full of hackneyed clichés on our dreadful way of life here in Europe versus the wonderful so honest and pure way of life people have in the desert and jungle.
So with some luxurious Land Rover 4x4, GPS, Satellite navigators, filming crew, Dr Martens, Lacoste Polo and Rollex watch, he goes to see the tribes in Australia and praise the parents for forbidding their children to use matches when they want to spark some fire.
And he grants us with some brilliantly hackneyed rant on how important it is for them to learn how to light a fire without matches but rubbing some sticks on one another. He says this is part of their heritage to know how to do it, part of who they really are and, without even thinking for a second, tells us we should all do the same because: how wonderful, ain’t it?
Everytime, we have the fire without matches. Everytime!
For God’s sake, you bloody halfwit, we came up with matches for a reason! It’s not because we are some evil Western First World imperialists who want to destroy the world that we invented matches. That’s because it’s easier! It's so we don’t have to spend three hours trying to make some stupid fire.
Yes! There are some actual good reasons we have the telephone, we build houses in stone or concrete, we use matches to light fire and came up with agriculture and husbandry.
Ray, if you were to come with some of them and show all those genuine natural men how it works, trust me they would throw the sticks together on a pile and light them with the matches and use their time to go hunting and try to improve their 35-years life-experiency. And the head of the village or whatever would be ready to give you his utter submissive wife in exchange for a life supply of matches!
I hate those guys. Those guys who go to the other side of the world with all the means the civilisation is giving them just to tell us how bad is that very civilisation next to the way of life some tribes have. Those guys who are blindly excited by people living like we used to more than 3000 years ago just for the sake of “genuine”. If those people live like this it’s mainly because in the middle of the desert and the jungle, they didn’t have the opportunities we had in the grasslands and welcoming forest of Europe or China. They adapted and survived just like we did.
I hate those guys because all those men would never ever forsake their way of life but think it is wonderful for those poor kids to have their parents teaching them that fire is to be lit with sticks, house build with light wood, food to be brought after ten hours of hunting with wooden bow and arrows just to get a mice and a handful of poisonous berries.
I don’t approve everything we do over here. The fact that we are basically some ants sleeping, commuting, working, commuting, sleeping, commuting, working…and trying to forget about that useless way of life with pointless leisure, entertainment or/and religion.
But I don’t think their life is actually any better or worse then ours just because they live closer to the men we used to be milleniums ago. It's just bloody utterly different!
I hate Ray Mears for he’s of those guys who are just some utter judgmental ignorant ethnocentric idiots who always compare people while comparing French and English is already irrevelant. So, how about a bush tribe man in Australia and a England young man in Stafford?
Don’t worry, we have the same self-rigtheous right-minded gushy crétin in France: Nicolas Hulot!
good article ! i can see exactly the kind of guy you're talking about (and i learnt a word - matches).
Yeh I see what you mean I have been watching his series about Canada I can't stand the guy either, I hate his hair too for some reason. He doesnt sem genuine, he looks like an overweight office worker or something, not someone who would live in a forest lol.
your a complete tool
I can't fathom your extreme dislike for this man (other than he's no eye candy), I guess he's not for everyone but neither is David Attenborough, anecdotes and historical narrative add more substance to Ray's documentary/survivalist programs.
Like Les Stroud, Les Hiddins & Bear Grylls these back-to-basics adventures have differing appeal and thus target audiences, there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting to understand nature better and hopefully respecting it a little more as well.
As for your "matches rant" matches are great till youaccidentally break one, lose them, get them wet OR run out hence the appeal of fire pistons, steel flint rods & traditional methods.
Traditional fire making technology (or lack thereof) is as much about cultural history as it is tradition, definitely something worth preserving by the dwindling indigenous people of this planet.
Having said that I will concur Ray's "on air" comments about Bear was simply bad manners...
Fuck you, you fils de pute.
Ray is not for everyone, I think he is the best Guy for the job in his way he treats everyone he meets in his programme with nothing but respect. As for the matches, what would you do if you had none or they were wet and pulpy ? Bet you would just curl up and die like the city slicker you are.
he never claims to be in a survival situation you twat
For those that don't know him Bi Bi is a pompous, self-righteous cock-knocker with no discernible talent. His ungrammatical polemic (filled with tediously obvious observations about how TV shows are not real life.... of course he's in the jungle with a camera crew - he's making a TV show you cunt!) is as dull as it is unoriginal, and merely serves to demonstrate that he is a whiny, jealous, ineffectual and effete little wanker who probably ejaculates over his mobile phone screen upon completion of his utterly shite blog post. A true cunt and of a particularly sad genus - usually found still living in his mother's house well into middle age.
Ray mears is a fat shit
I too detest the rotund conceited misanthrope and i didnt realise until now that in every scene he's as fresh as a newborn and miraculously escapes every extreme survival situation unscathed.
He should be tied to a tree and left in the wilderness for 40 days and nights as pennance for being a cunt, and a public licence fee subsidized one too !
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