"Being a gay is seen as a fashion statement these days. For many it's a way of being contrary. However, it's clear that to be gay is to be wrong. I can only advise gay people to read the Bible and change - and my personal discussion meetings on Mondays are open to all of them. Some gays nowdays even have a wife. That's taking it too far."
My personal discussion meetings?

He obviously thinks he's a lady of the French bourgeoisie from one of Léon Tolstoi's book having her salon mondain every same day of the week.
Isn't Italy a great country?
They have the Pope calling gays the greatest danger to humanity and the condoms the reason why AIDS is spreading. To mention the least...
They have Berluconi so no comment!
And they think it's perfectly normal to be openly fascist, Catholic integrist, intolerant, calling for hatered when not anihilation of everything that doesn't abide by their interpretation of the Bible...as most of their cherished beloved footballers are...
How about we spent more time fighting THESE extremists who are at the very center of Europe and calling for the death and annihilation of everyone's different instead of ruining ourselves and the world in pointless wars in the Middle East?
I don't know whether being gay is a fashion statement in Italy but one thing's for sure: being a intolerant self-righteous fucking arsehole is indeed very fashionable over there!
1 comment:
et après tu t'etonnes que t'es en bad mood ! faut faire comme moi et arreter de lire l'actualité, sauf si y'a un article qui donne LA solution pour eradiquer l'humanité ^^
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