I have to say it here but it’s getting on my nerves (what else is new?) and I can’t really say it outside but I don’t feel anything about Michael Jackson passing away. I never liked a single of song but Scream with Janet Jackson, I don’t like his persona, his demeanour, his work…nothing! I like his sister but not him. Never have, never will.
It’s tragic, of course. Someone who dies so young is always tragic. Especially if you consider the last 20 years of his life that were not among the happiest, one would easily agree.
What’s getting on my nerve is the world-wide hypocrisy now that he’s dead. Everyone is deeply saddened, shocked and can barely hold back their tears everytime they think about him…as they say. This is absolutely sickening!
Three days ago, he was still a horrible lying monster everyone, but his very few true fans, was laughing at when they were not calling him a megalomaniac and schizophrenic paedophile. He was publically humiliated everytime he stepped outside, made ashamed of every single of his moves and words.
Lately countless reporters went to Neverland to grant us with pompous and judgmental constitution-length articles on the appalling state of the park and how lonely and pathetic he now was. We had articles and documentaries on his drinking problems, on his marriages, his children with some fatuous, self-righteous people who never knew him commentating on the dreadful father he was supposed to be.
We had articles and interviews that described him as irritating diva who was asking for a horrendous and highly unjustified price for his last tour.
And now he’s dead and here he is: the fallen angel, the greatest of the greats, the Ninth World Wonder (the Eighth is Beckham, of course…).
Here we are comparing him to people like Maria Theresa and Lady Diana.
The comparaison with Elvis is right for he had a immense talent and brought something new and refreshing to the world of music. Even if I don’t like what he did, no one can deny it and I won’t. But I will put my foot down and rile on everyone who has the indecency and the insanity to compare him to the likes of Lady Di.
Lady Di was a woman of selflessness. She puts her life in danger walking of landmine fields, she confronted the worst going to villages of Sahel and slums of Calcutta to help the poorest and most miserable in the world. She fought until the very end for people to open their eyes and help others.
She was the Princess of the People. Michael Jackson was the King of the Pop like Madonna is its Queen.
Is Madonna Lady Di? As much I love and worship her music, no!
Michael Jackson was a musician who never gave more than his music. So spare us the hypocrite tears, you cowards. You had let him down, you had forsaken him and let him rot alone with a bottle of vodka. You had rejected him then had fed yourself on the sour milk of his misery and slanders created by those who wanted him down.
Now I even have friends who have never once mentioned him when talking about music, never bought a single album and can’t even give the name of a single song from him but who are saying they are in painful mourning.
I have never liked him yet also never judged him. In that way, I might not be sad or in mourning as “the rest of the world” according to the press, but I’m a better person.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Gay couple
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Well, that's new(s)
From the Guardian ; June, 17th 2009
Same-sex relationships may play an important role in evolution
Biologists claim that same-sex relationships help drive the evolution of animals' physiology, life history and social behaviourBirds do it.
Bees probably do it. No one's sure whether educated fleas do it. What they do is have same-sex relationships and, in a new review of published research on the subject, biologists have started to consider what it might mean for the evolution of the animals in question.
Nathan Bailey and Marlene Zuk, biologists at the University of California, Riverside, found that same-sex relationships were a universal phenomenon in the animal kingdom, seen in everything from worms to frogs to birds. "It's clear that same-sex sexual behavior extends far beyond the well-known examples that dominate both the scientific and popular literature: for example bonobos, dolphins, penguins and fruit flies," said Bailey.
Penguins have been known to form long-term same-sex bonds where males will engage in sexual activity. Toads generally don't discriminate between sexes while marine snails all start out male and, when they mate with another male, one of them helpfully changes sex. Dolphins will often touch their genitals together or one male might even mount another and penetrate its blowhole. Bonobos go the furthest in same-sex bonding with regular copulation among males.
But not all relationships should be considered the same. A male fruit fly, for example, may court other males because it lacks a gene that allows it to tell the difference between the sexes. "But that is very different from male bottlenose dolphins, who engage in same-sex interactions to facilitate group bonding, or female Laysan albatross that can remain pair-bonded for life and cooperatively rear young," said Bailey.
Writing in the journal Trends in Ecology & Evolution, the authors said that lots of previous studies had considered how same-sex relationships might have come about but very few studies had considered whether the relationships shape the course of evolution.
"Same-sex behaviors – courtship, mounting or parenting – are traits that may have been shaped by natural selection, a basic mechanism of evolution that occurs over successive generations," Bailey said. "But our review of studies also suggests that these same-sex behaviors might act as selective forces in and of themselves."
In other words same-sex relationships might shape evolution in subtle and important ways for many animals. When bilogists think about selective pressure in evolution, they tend to focus on environmental concerns such as weather, temperature, or geographic features in a particular locality. Social circumstances can also have an impact and Bailey argues that same-sex relationships could "radically change those social circumstances, for example by removing some individuals from the pool of animals available for mating."
In addition, the behaviour can lead to the evolution of defence mechanisms. "For example, male-male copulations in locusts can be costly for the mounted male, and this cost may in turn increase selection pressure for males' tendency to release a chemical called panacetylnitrile, which dissuades other males from mounting them," said Bailey.
Bailey and Zuk are also researching the Laysan albatross, a species in which females form same-sex pairs and rear young together. "Same-sex behavior in this species may not be aberrant, but instead can arise as an alternative reproductive strategy," they said.
Almost a third of Laysan albatross couples are female-female pairs and they are more successful than unpaired females when it comes to rearing chicks.
"Same-sex sexual behaviors are flexibly deployed in a variety of circumstances, for example as alternative reproductive tactics, as cooperative breeding strategies, as facilitators of social bonding or as mediators of intrasexual conflict. Once this flexibility is established, it becomes in and of itself a selective force that can drive selection on other aspects of physiology, life history, social behaviour and even morphology," said Bailey.
Same-sex relationships may play an important role in evolution
Biologists claim that same-sex relationships help drive the evolution of animals' physiology, life history and social behaviourBirds do it.
Bees probably do it. No one's sure whether educated fleas do it. What they do is have same-sex relationships and, in a new review of published research on the subject, biologists have started to consider what it might mean for the evolution of the animals in question.
Nathan Bailey and Marlene Zuk, biologists at the University of California, Riverside, found that same-sex relationships were a universal phenomenon in the animal kingdom, seen in everything from worms to frogs to birds. "It's clear that same-sex sexual behavior extends far beyond the well-known examples that dominate both the scientific and popular literature: for example bonobos, dolphins, penguins and fruit flies," said Bailey.
Penguins have been known to form long-term same-sex bonds where males will engage in sexual activity. Toads generally don't discriminate between sexes while marine snails all start out male and, when they mate with another male, one of them helpfully changes sex. Dolphins will often touch their genitals together or one male might even mount another and penetrate its blowhole. Bonobos go the furthest in same-sex bonding with regular copulation among males.
But not all relationships should be considered the same. A male fruit fly, for example, may court other males because it lacks a gene that allows it to tell the difference between the sexes. "But that is very different from male bottlenose dolphins, who engage in same-sex interactions to facilitate group bonding, or female Laysan albatross that can remain pair-bonded for life and cooperatively rear young," said Bailey.
Writing in the journal Trends in Ecology & Evolution, the authors said that lots of previous studies had considered how same-sex relationships might have come about but very few studies had considered whether the relationships shape the course of evolution.
"Same-sex behaviors – courtship, mounting or parenting – are traits that may have been shaped by natural selection, a basic mechanism of evolution that occurs over successive generations," Bailey said. "But our review of studies also suggests that these same-sex behaviors might act as selective forces in and of themselves."
In other words same-sex relationships might shape evolution in subtle and important ways for many animals. When bilogists think about selective pressure in evolution, they tend to focus on environmental concerns such as weather, temperature, or geographic features in a particular locality. Social circumstances can also have an impact and Bailey argues that same-sex relationships could "radically change those social circumstances, for example by removing some individuals from the pool of animals available for mating."
In addition, the behaviour can lead to the evolution of defence mechanisms. "For example, male-male copulations in locusts can be costly for the mounted male, and this cost may in turn increase selection pressure for males' tendency to release a chemical called panacetylnitrile, which dissuades other males from mounting them," said Bailey.
Bailey and Zuk are also researching the Laysan albatross, a species in which females form same-sex pairs and rear young together. "Same-sex behavior in this species may not be aberrant, but instead can arise as an alternative reproductive strategy," they said.
Almost a third of Laysan albatross couples are female-female pairs and they are more successful than unpaired females when it comes to rearing chicks.
"Same-sex sexual behaviors are flexibly deployed in a variety of circumstances, for example as alternative reproductive tactics, as cooperative breeding strategies, as facilitators of social bonding or as mediators of intrasexual conflict. Once this flexibility is established, it becomes in and of itself a selective force that can drive selection on other aspects of physiology, life history, social behaviour and even morphology," said Bailey.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Back in business
With the Aussies from Gods of Football 2009
(Not real football though because they basically hold the ball in their arms and hands for most of the game)

(Not real football though because they basically hold the ball in their arms and hands for most of the game)

Today's France is all his...unglory.

The President is supposed to represent France, to be its living symbol and he is doing perfectly.
The one who's riddled by an irrelevant inferiority complex and who wants to make himself as big as the others.
He could take the high road and try to prove one should not judge a book by its cover but how could he when he judges everyone and everything by their covers?
So he remains a pathetic twat and makes himself big by means of cheat.
It's fake. It's meaningless, pointless. There's no depth whatsoever. Just image matters.
Everyone can see it and honestly, when you see that, why would you go behind the cover and waste your time reading the book?
He's doomed to remain a twat and a dog desperately looking for a master.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Peter Pan's gay affair
A friend of mine has a theory that Cristiano Ronaldo is a tranny.
Let's study the facts:
No hair from under his eyebrows to his toe.
Muscle that looks like he's gone through surgery in Brasil. He speaks the language so that's utterly probable.
He's nothing but a whinning, mincing, squealing, faking-it, always complaining, utterly unbearable little shite of a bitch dressing three sizes too small.
I've got another theory, he's not a tranny, he's a big fucking fairy!
And not in a good way, you know. He's the kind that shows off and thinks he's better than anyone.
He's not a tranny, he's Tinker bloody Bell in very bad Portugese male version.

Let's study the facts:
No hair from under his eyebrows to his toe.
Muscle that looks like he's gone through surgery in Brasil. He speaks the language so that's utterly probable.
He's nothing but a whinning, mincing, squealing, faking-it, always complaining, utterly unbearable little shite of a bitch dressing three sizes too small.
I've got another theory, he's not a tranny, he's a big fucking fairy!
And not in a good way, you know. He's the kind that shows off and thinks he's better than anyone.
He's not a tranny, he's Tinker bloody Bell in very bad Portugese male version.

Monday, June 08, 2009
1,000,000 United Against the BNP
Here's what people are voting for without knowing because they are Daily Mail and The Sun readers and they don't want to know, it's easier this way.
But here's what you are voting for.
Open your eyes and realise that you are now voting for the ones you British people sacrified so much to fight 60 years ago!
"[t]he British National Party’s determination not simply to stop any further mass immigration into the British Isles, but also to reverse the tide which has transformed vast areas of our country out of all recognition over the last fifty years. We, as the sole political representatives of the Silent Majority of the English, Scots, Irish and Welsh who formed and were formed by our island home, have one overriding demand: We want our country back!"
"We would repeal the Race Relations Acts and all other restrictions on free speech in Britain.... We would abolish all departments, agencies, or other units of government whose sole and specific purpose is to deal with ethnic issues, grievances, or crimes.... We would abolish all laws against racial discrimination in employment and the government bodies associated with enforcing them."
"A Clause 28-style proscription against the promotion of racial integration in schools and the media would be introduced."
"This wicked, vicious faith has expanded from a handful of cranky lunatics about 1,300 years ago, to it's now sweeping country after country before it, all over the world. And if you read that book (the Koran), you'll find that that's what they want." - Nick Griffin
"It is more important to control the streets of a city than its council chamber." - Nick Griffin
“The electors of Millwall did not back a post-modernist Rightist Party, but what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan “Defend Rights for Whites’ with well-directed boots and fists. When the crunch comes, POWER IS THE PRODUCT OF FORCE AND WILL, NOT OF RATIONAL DEBATE.” - Nick Griffin
"I am only going to represent the white people. I WILL NOT REPRESENT ASIANS. I will not do anything for them. They have no right to be in my great country." - Derek Beackon
"When we get to power OUR OPPONENTS WILL BE SWEPT AWAY like flies." - John Tyndall
"Very few people in Britain are aware of the huge influence over the mass media exercised by a certain ethnic minority, namely the Jews." - Nick Griffin
“The controllers of Hollywood, almost entirely Jewish. Some 'ANTI-SEMITISM' MAY BE PROVOKED BY THE ACTIONS OF CERTAIN JEWS THEMSELVES and thereby have a RATIONAL BASIS”. - Nick Griffin
"There is no doubt that hundreds, probably thousands of Jews were shot to death in Eastern Europe, because they were rightly or wrongly seen as communists or potential partisan supporters. That was awful. But THIS NONSENSE ABOUT GAS CHAMBERS is exposed as a total lie." - Nick Griffin
"[t]his BLOODY JEW [Alex Carlile MP] whose only claim is that his grandparents died in the Holocaust." - Nick Griffin
"There's not a European country the Jews haven't been thrown out of. When it happens that many times, it's not just persecution. THERE'S NO SMOKE WITHOUT FIRE." - Mark Collett
"Without the White race nothing matters [other right-wing parties] believe that the answer to the race question is integration and a futile attempt to create "Black Britons", while we affirm that NON-WHITES HAVE NO PLACE HERE AT ALL AND WILL NOT REST UNTIL EVERY LAST ONE HAS LEFT OUR LAND." - Nick Griffin
"Yes, Adolf went a bit too far. His legacy is the biggest problem that the British nationalist movement has to deal with. It just creates a bad image." - Nick Griffin
"There is a STRONG, DIRECT LINK from Oswald Mosley to me." - Nick Griffin
“The TV footage of dozens of ‘gay’ demonstrators flaunting their perversions in front of the world’s journalists showed just why so many ordinary people find these CREATURES so repulsive.” - Nick Griffin
"Churchill was a fucking cunt who led us into a pointless war with other whites [the Nazis] standing up for their race." - Mark Collett
"He's a fucking traitor." - Mark Collett on the Prince of Wales
"The Royals have betrayed their people. When we're in power they'll be WIPED OUT and we'll get some Germans to rule properly." - Mark Collett
"A FRIENDLY DISEASE because blacks, drug users and gays have it." - Mark Collett on AIDS
"Hitler will live forever; and maybe I will." - Mark Collett
"The sick minds who would have us believe that Jews were gassed at Auschwitz are completely twisted." - Tony Lecomber
"Asians are rubbish, and that is what WE ARE GOING TO CLEAR FROM THE STREETS." - Derek Beackon
"Those responsible for creating this multi-racial hell hole must face trial and pay the ultimate penalty." - Nick Griffin
"AIDS Monkeys.... bum bandits.... faggots." - Mark Collett on homosexuals
"Racial laws will be enacted FORBIDDING MARRIAGE between Britons and non-Aryans: medical measures will be taken to prevent procreation on the part of all those who have hereditary defects either racial, mental or physical." - John Tyndall
"Mein Kampf is my Bible." - John Tyndall
"[t]here will be an unanswerable case when the day for the great clean up comes, to IMPLEMENT THE FINAL SOLUTION against these sub-human elements by means of the GAS CHAMBERS" - John Tyndall
"There's a difference between selling out your ideas and selling your ideas. And the British National Party isn't about selling out it's ideas, which are your ideas, but we are determined now to sell them. And that means basically to use these salable words. As I say, 'freedom', 'security', 'identity', 'democracy', nobody can criticise them, nobody can come at you and attack you on those ideas: they are salable. Perhaps one day, once by being rather more subtle, we got ourselves into a position where we control the British broadcasting media, then perhaps one day the British people might change their minds and say, 'Yes, every last one must go'. Perhaps they will one day, but if you offer that as your soul mate to start with, you're going to get absolutely nowhere. So, INSTEAD OF TALKING ABOUT RACIAL PURITY WE TALK ABOUT IDENTITY." - Nick Griffin addressing the Ku Klux Klan
"Voluntary repatriation. Isn't that EASIER TO SELL than compulsory repatriation for all?" - Nick Griffin
"I honestly don't hate asylum seekers - THESE PEOPLE ARE COCKROACHES *and they're doing what cockroaches do because cockroaches can't help what they do, they just do it, like cats miaow and dogs bark." - Mark Collett
*This is what the Hutus in Rwanda called the Tutsis of which 800,000-1 million were killed
"Well apparently didn't they get a lot of dentistry and plastic surgery." - Rotherham BNP's Marlene Guest, referring to horrific Nazi experiments on Jews and others during World War II.
"The idea that the Black African Bishop Sentamu, the Asian Muslim MP Shahid Malik, the part-Turkish Boris Johnson and the Jewish Lord Goldsmith have anything to teach the indigenous English about St. Georges Day is absurd." - John Lee Barnes
"When these Asians go out looking for a victim, they don't go looking for Asian victims. They don't go mugging Asian grandmas, they don't go stabbing each other, they don't go trying to solicit sex off little Pritesh or little Sanjita, they go straight to the whites because they are trying to destroy us and they are the racists." - Mark Collett
“All black people will be repatriated, even if they were born here. ” - Nick Griffin
"Black culture is totally inimical to the mental and spiritual development of young white people, encouraging laziness, lack of ambition in worthy pursuits, preoccupation with the trivial and the banal, appalling manners and absence of respect for others". - John Tyndall
"WHITE WORKING CLASS SCUM will be swept away by a future BNP government." - BNP councillor Simon Smith
"I'm no apologist for WHITE WORKING CLASS SCUM." - BNP councillor Simon Smith
"Rest assured, all those HOMEGROWN TRATORS who have taken part in the war against our indigenous rights will one day be held to account for their crimes." - Nick Griffin
“I want to see Britain become the 99 per cent genetically white country she was just eleven years before I was born, and I want to die knowing that I have helped to set her on a course whereby her future genetic makeup will one day not even resemble that of January 1948, but that of July 1914. Nothing will ever turn me from working towards that final vision.” - Nick Griffin
"Rape is simply sex. Women enjoy sex, so rape cannot be such a terrible physical ordeal... [it] is like suggesting force-feeding a woman chocolate cake is a heinous offence." - Nick Eriksen
"Honestly now, would you prefer your kid growing up in Oldham and Burnley or 1930's Germany? It would be better for your child to grow up there." - Mark Collett
"Meanwhile, the indigenous side in the low-to-medium level civil war brewing in this country is getting its training. . .Its all going to get very messy." - Nick Griffin's blog on the BNP website
"It's clearly worth talking in terms of SIX-FIGURE SUMS to persuade families to go"- Nick Griffin, the Times, April 19, 2007
“We live in a country today which is unhealthily dominated by an EXCESS OF SENTIMENTALITY TOWARDS THE WEAK AND UNPRODUCTIVE. No good will come of it.” -Jeffrey Marshall (senior organiser for the BNP’s London European election campaign), 2009 after the death of Ivan Cameron.
“There is not a great deal of point in keeping these people alive after all.” Jeffrey Marshall again referring to Ivan Cameron.
"The capitalist free traders, the Marxists and organised Jewry have declared war on the white man, not just in Britain but in every nation on the planet". - Nick Griffin
Open your eyes. Open your ears. Open your mind.
This is not who you are.
British people have always been the true leader of the free world.
I know the times are hard and you're been used and abused but don't give up to such insanities and be your true self again.
Join here for more: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=8644741474
But here's what you are voting for.
Open your eyes and realise that you are now voting for the ones you British people sacrified so much to fight 60 years ago!
"[t]he British National Party’s determination not simply to stop any further mass immigration into the British Isles, but also to reverse the tide which has transformed vast areas of our country out of all recognition over the last fifty years. We, as the sole political representatives of the Silent Majority of the English, Scots, Irish and Welsh who formed and were formed by our island home, have one overriding demand: We want our country back!"
"We would repeal the Race Relations Acts and all other restrictions on free speech in Britain.... We would abolish all departments, agencies, or other units of government whose sole and specific purpose is to deal with ethnic issues, grievances, or crimes.... We would abolish all laws against racial discrimination in employment and the government bodies associated with enforcing them."
"A Clause 28-style proscription against the promotion of racial integration in schools and the media would be introduced."
"This wicked, vicious faith has expanded from a handful of cranky lunatics about 1,300 years ago, to it's now sweeping country after country before it, all over the world. And if you read that book (the Koran), you'll find that that's what they want." - Nick Griffin
"It is more important to control the streets of a city than its council chamber." - Nick Griffin
“The electors of Millwall did not back a post-modernist Rightist Party, but what they perceived to be a strong, disciplined organisation with the ability to back up its slogan “Defend Rights for Whites’ with well-directed boots and fists. When the crunch comes, POWER IS THE PRODUCT OF FORCE AND WILL, NOT OF RATIONAL DEBATE.” - Nick Griffin
"I am only going to represent the white people. I WILL NOT REPRESENT ASIANS. I will not do anything for them. They have no right to be in my great country." - Derek Beackon
"When we get to power OUR OPPONENTS WILL BE SWEPT AWAY like flies." - John Tyndall
"Very few people in Britain are aware of the huge influence over the mass media exercised by a certain ethnic minority, namely the Jews." - Nick Griffin
“The controllers of Hollywood, almost entirely Jewish. Some 'ANTI-SEMITISM' MAY BE PROVOKED BY THE ACTIONS OF CERTAIN JEWS THEMSELVES and thereby have a RATIONAL BASIS”. - Nick Griffin
"There is no doubt that hundreds, probably thousands of Jews were shot to death in Eastern Europe, because they were rightly or wrongly seen as communists or potential partisan supporters. That was awful. But THIS NONSENSE ABOUT GAS CHAMBERS is exposed as a total lie." - Nick Griffin
"[t]his BLOODY JEW [Alex Carlile MP] whose only claim is that his grandparents died in the Holocaust." - Nick Griffin
"There's not a European country the Jews haven't been thrown out of. When it happens that many times, it's not just persecution. THERE'S NO SMOKE WITHOUT FIRE." - Mark Collett
"Without the White race nothing matters [other right-wing parties] believe that the answer to the race question is integration and a futile attempt to create "Black Britons", while we affirm that NON-WHITES HAVE NO PLACE HERE AT ALL AND WILL NOT REST UNTIL EVERY LAST ONE HAS LEFT OUR LAND." - Nick Griffin
"Yes, Adolf went a bit too far. His legacy is the biggest problem that the British nationalist movement has to deal with. It just creates a bad image." - Nick Griffin
"There is a STRONG, DIRECT LINK from Oswald Mosley to me." - Nick Griffin
“The TV footage of dozens of ‘gay’ demonstrators flaunting their perversions in front of the world’s journalists showed just why so many ordinary people find these CREATURES so repulsive.” - Nick Griffin
"Churchill was a fucking cunt who led us into a pointless war with other whites [the Nazis] standing up for their race." - Mark Collett
"He's a fucking traitor." - Mark Collett on the Prince of Wales
"The Royals have betrayed their people. When we're in power they'll be WIPED OUT and we'll get some Germans to rule properly." - Mark Collett
"A FRIENDLY DISEASE because blacks, drug users and gays have it." - Mark Collett on AIDS
"Hitler will live forever; and maybe I will." - Mark Collett
"The sick minds who would have us believe that Jews were gassed at Auschwitz are completely twisted." - Tony Lecomber
"Asians are rubbish, and that is what WE ARE GOING TO CLEAR FROM THE STREETS." - Derek Beackon
"Those responsible for creating this multi-racial hell hole must face trial and pay the ultimate penalty." - Nick Griffin
"AIDS Monkeys.... bum bandits.... faggots." - Mark Collett on homosexuals
"Racial laws will be enacted FORBIDDING MARRIAGE between Britons and non-Aryans: medical measures will be taken to prevent procreation on the part of all those who have hereditary defects either racial, mental or physical." - John Tyndall
"Mein Kampf is my Bible." - John Tyndall
"[t]here will be an unanswerable case when the day for the great clean up comes, to IMPLEMENT THE FINAL SOLUTION against these sub-human elements by means of the GAS CHAMBERS" - John Tyndall
"There's a difference between selling out your ideas and selling your ideas. And the British National Party isn't about selling out it's ideas, which are your ideas, but we are determined now to sell them. And that means basically to use these salable words. As I say, 'freedom', 'security', 'identity', 'democracy', nobody can criticise them, nobody can come at you and attack you on those ideas: they are salable. Perhaps one day, once by being rather more subtle, we got ourselves into a position where we control the British broadcasting media, then perhaps one day the British people might change their minds and say, 'Yes, every last one must go'. Perhaps they will one day, but if you offer that as your soul mate to start with, you're going to get absolutely nowhere. So, INSTEAD OF TALKING ABOUT RACIAL PURITY WE TALK ABOUT IDENTITY." - Nick Griffin addressing the Ku Klux Klan
"Voluntary repatriation. Isn't that EASIER TO SELL than compulsory repatriation for all?" - Nick Griffin
"I honestly don't hate asylum seekers - THESE PEOPLE ARE COCKROACHES *and they're doing what cockroaches do because cockroaches can't help what they do, they just do it, like cats miaow and dogs bark." - Mark Collett
*This is what the Hutus in Rwanda called the Tutsis of which 800,000-1 million were killed
"Well apparently didn't they get a lot of dentistry and plastic surgery." - Rotherham BNP's Marlene Guest, referring to horrific Nazi experiments on Jews and others during World War II.
"The idea that the Black African Bishop Sentamu, the Asian Muslim MP Shahid Malik, the part-Turkish Boris Johnson and the Jewish Lord Goldsmith have anything to teach the indigenous English about St. Georges Day is absurd." - John Lee Barnes
"When these Asians go out looking for a victim, they don't go looking for Asian victims. They don't go mugging Asian grandmas, they don't go stabbing each other, they don't go trying to solicit sex off little Pritesh or little Sanjita, they go straight to the whites because they are trying to destroy us and they are the racists." - Mark Collett
“All black people will be repatriated, even if they were born here. ” - Nick Griffin
"Black culture is totally inimical to the mental and spiritual development of young white people, encouraging laziness, lack of ambition in worthy pursuits, preoccupation with the trivial and the banal, appalling manners and absence of respect for others". - John Tyndall
"WHITE WORKING CLASS SCUM will be swept away by a future BNP government." - BNP councillor Simon Smith
"I'm no apologist for WHITE WORKING CLASS SCUM." - BNP councillor Simon Smith
"Rest assured, all those HOMEGROWN TRATORS who have taken part in the war against our indigenous rights will one day be held to account for their crimes." - Nick Griffin
“I want to see Britain become the 99 per cent genetically white country she was just eleven years before I was born, and I want to die knowing that I have helped to set her on a course whereby her future genetic makeup will one day not even resemble that of January 1948, but that of July 1914. Nothing will ever turn me from working towards that final vision.” - Nick Griffin
"Rape is simply sex. Women enjoy sex, so rape cannot be such a terrible physical ordeal... [it] is like suggesting force-feeding a woman chocolate cake is a heinous offence." - Nick Eriksen
"Honestly now, would you prefer your kid growing up in Oldham and Burnley or 1930's Germany? It would be better for your child to grow up there." - Mark Collett
"Meanwhile, the indigenous side in the low-to-medium level civil war brewing in this country is getting its training. . .Its all going to get very messy." - Nick Griffin's blog on the BNP website
"It's clearly worth talking in terms of SIX-FIGURE SUMS to persuade families to go"- Nick Griffin, the Times, April 19, 2007
“We live in a country today which is unhealthily dominated by an EXCESS OF SENTIMENTALITY TOWARDS THE WEAK AND UNPRODUCTIVE. No good will come of it.” -Jeffrey Marshall (senior organiser for the BNP’s London European election campaign), 2009 after the death of Ivan Cameron.
“There is not a great deal of point in keeping these people alive after all.” Jeffrey Marshall again referring to Ivan Cameron.
"The capitalist free traders, the Marxists and organised Jewry have declared war on the white man, not just in Britain but in every nation on the planet". - Nick Griffin
Open your eyes. Open your ears. Open your mind.
This is not who you are.
British people have always been the true leader of the free world.
I know the times are hard and you're been used and abused but don't give up to such insanities and be your true self again.
Join here for more: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=8644741474
Friday, June 05, 2009
Petty day.
The story is simple.
Tomorrow is the D-Day in France where we celebrate the landing of the Allies on Normandy’s beaches leading to the defeat of the Third Reich. Like every year, emotional and official ceremonies will take place in Normandy itself with the heads of the countries who were the Allies (all English speaking and/or in the Commonwealth but for France).
Well almost all the leaders actually because Nicolas Sarkozy is now officially the biggest arsehole in the history of France after Pétain.
Sarkozy belongs to this right-wing breed of politicians we called "American dogs". He’s desperate to become America’s right arm and that was quite easy with a man like George W. Bush because they shared the same visions and politics so all he had to do was to come and fawn all over him and wait to be petted.
But now it’s Obama and it’s slighty more difficult (ie: impossible) to do so because Obama knows where Sarkozy is standing. He knows Sarkozy truly believes George W. Bush was a great man and he knows that the French President now wants to meet him to fake it, to fawn as well and tell him how wonderful he is. So basically, Obama doesn’t give a toss.
So Sarkozy came up with a plan. He learned his lesson after the last G-20 summit where Obama talked to everyone but him. So he decided to invite Washington but no one else for the D-Day. This way, he can have him for himself.
But it went terribly wrong because Washington unofficially complained to Paris through no-diplomatic channels about the Queen not being invited to the ceremony. They tried to avoid a major crisis and call for Sarkozy to fix the problem. But before he could act on it, he was asked by journalists why was the Queen not invited to the ceremonies.
He could’ve said the truth but no. In a pathetic attempt to hide it, he said: “The D-Day is a Franco-American matter. The Queen can come later”.
The Queen is actually the only one among all the heads of states to have known and lived the WWII. She was there. She was in London, she was working as a mechanic for the British Army under the bombs because she refused to leave her people who was scarifying so much to save the world from Hitler.
The United Kingdom was the one and only country in Europe who never collaborated in any way with Hitler, never surrendered anywhere in the world against him. It sheltered all the governments and resistances from Europe, gave them money, weapons and supported them until the end. Without Britain, the D-Day would have never existed. It was possible because that small island was here, so close to the Third Reich, resisting against a whole Europe who was now serving Hitler, and could be used as a giant training and stocking base for the Allies armies.
And their Queen doesn’t get invited at the D-Day because Sarkozy decided to rewrite history and use the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of men for its own interests?!
This is the pettiest, most appalling, ludicrous, pathetic, outrageous behaviour I have ever witnessed from a head of state in my life!
The only good side in all of this is that he wanted to be alone with Obama who now actually won’t have dinner with him privately but will spent a night with his family.
And Sarkozy will now have to entertain all the people he didn’t want but was forced to invite to avoid a huge diplomatic crisis: Prince Charles and Camilla, Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister of Canada and Australia, the Head of Quebec and officials from India and many other countries that were Allies because they have been in the Commonwealth.
Tomorrow is the D-Day in France where we celebrate the landing of the Allies on Normandy’s beaches leading to the defeat of the Third Reich. Like every year, emotional and official ceremonies will take place in Normandy itself with the heads of the countries who were the Allies (all English speaking and/or in the Commonwealth but for France).
Well almost all the leaders actually because Nicolas Sarkozy is now officially the biggest arsehole in the history of France after Pétain.
Sarkozy belongs to this right-wing breed of politicians we called "American dogs". He’s desperate to become America’s right arm and that was quite easy with a man like George W. Bush because they shared the same visions and politics so all he had to do was to come and fawn all over him and wait to be petted.
But now it’s Obama and it’s slighty more difficult (ie: impossible) to do so because Obama knows where Sarkozy is standing. He knows Sarkozy truly believes George W. Bush was a great man and he knows that the French President now wants to meet him to fake it, to fawn as well and tell him how wonderful he is. So basically, Obama doesn’t give a toss.
So Sarkozy came up with a plan. He learned his lesson after the last G-20 summit where Obama talked to everyone but him. So he decided to invite Washington but no one else for the D-Day. This way, he can have him for himself.
But it went terribly wrong because Washington unofficially complained to Paris through no-diplomatic channels about the Queen not being invited to the ceremony. They tried to avoid a major crisis and call for Sarkozy to fix the problem. But before he could act on it, he was asked by journalists why was the Queen not invited to the ceremonies.
He could’ve said the truth but no. In a pathetic attempt to hide it, he said: “The D-Day is a Franco-American matter. The Queen can come later”.
The Queen is actually the only one among all the heads of states to have known and lived the WWII. She was there. She was in London, she was working as a mechanic for the British Army under the bombs because she refused to leave her people who was scarifying so much to save the world from Hitler.
The United Kingdom was the one and only country in Europe who never collaborated in any way with Hitler, never surrendered anywhere in the world against him. It sheltered all the governments and resistances from Europe, gave them money, weapons and supported them until the end. Without Britain, the D-Day would have never existed. It was possible because that small island was here, so close to the Third Reich, resisting against a whole Europe who was now serving Hitler, and could be used as a giant training and stocking base for the Allies armies.
And their Queen doesn’t get invited at the D-Day because Sarkozy decided to rewrite history and use the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of men for its own interests?!
This is the pettiest, most appalling, ludicrous, pathetic, outrageous behaviour I have ever witnessed from a head of state in my life!
The only good side in all of this is that he wanted to be alone with Obama who now actually won’t have dinner with him privately but will spent a night with his family.
And Sarkozy will now have to entertain all the people he didn’t want but was forced to invite to avoid a huge diplomatic crisis: Prince Charles and Camilla, Gordon Brown, the Prime Minister of Canada and Australia, the Head of Quebec and officials from India and many other countries that were Allies because they have been in the Commonwealth.
Xabi Alonso during a press conference at Laz Rosaz, Madrid - 05.06.2009
How? How can he be so perfectly and natural handsome? How does he do that?
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
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