Friday, October 23, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Monday, October 05, 2009
Sunday, October 04, 2009
The tabs
For those who don’t know the tabloids in England here are some of the headlines for today.
Few tendencies:
-Headlines that tell you what to think before you read the article so you don’t actually have to read anything to make an opinion: “heartbreaking”, “scandalous”, “outrageous”, “monster”, “guilty”, “thugs”, “unfair”…
-To play with the words to make titles the likes of "Owen-ly" for "heavenly" if they talk about Michael Owen...
-Z-list celebrities interviews with judgmental words.
-Articles based on TV reality shows and cheap TV shows celebrities: X-Factor, Britain’s Got Talent, Corronation Street, Eastenders, Strictly Come Dancing…
-And stories for Fox Mulder to cut and keep in his desk for his next X-Files
News of the world : mostly unsigned articles because they are 90% lies and it’s mainly all about sex scandals.
(article based on a picture of a singer texting while sitting next to Rihanna so the news is what she could've been writting...How insightful!)
Esther Rantzen: Why my daughter's wedding made me realise... I'm so terribly lonely on my own
City banker accused of strangling his cheating wife after row over where to their send daughter to school (actual order of the words!)
Nursery paedophile to get new identity - all funded by taxpayers
(for the DM, it's the taxpayers part that is outrageous)
BBC wins to keep star salaries under wraps (and it only cost us £200,000)
Mother whose boyfriend killed her toddle son walks free even though she knews youngster has been abused for weeks
'Vegetables and fruits, not too much pies!' The heartbreaking advice a dying mother left in her "mummy manual' for husband and daughters
The Sun.
(for the paedophiles to know about everything that’s been done to find them)
Paul O'Grady: My show can't survive now
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Friday, October 02, 2009
Better and better

I'm happy to announce that a sleeping David Beckham will feature on condom boxes in Spain.

Here's the link: http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2009/oct/02/david-beckham-condoms-madrid
So now it's official: HE IS A DICK! :D
I want that!
Where I live, it must've rained for barely eight hours since July, 15th. And when I say "rain". It was more of a little mist or three huge drops for 10 minutes and that's it.
I never thought I would say that but I'm desperate for rain! The water tank under the house collecting the waters from the roof is empty and the garden on which I have been working my arse off for the past two years in dying in front of me!
Someone, something, somebody gives me rain! Real rain! The one that soaks everything to the brim, that makes the rivers overflow, that soaks people to the bones!
Pleeeeaaaase! Raaaaaiiiiin!!
Thursday, October 01, 2009
This is the biggest bomb ever exploded in the history of humanity.
Just numbers: the clouds went 64 kilometers up and 45 km wide in less than two minutes. The shock wave broke windows from northern Siberia all the way to Sweden and could still be heard three times after it went arround the planet. And created earthquakes from 5 to 7.1 on the Richter's scale.
I think it's time Nature takes its course and flushes us all now. And be carefull to wipe its touchy properly so none of us can remain and start all over again!