Look at that little cute piece of heaven with his little uniform! =^.^=

Polls show that Middle America’s ideal president is a hard-line conservative who believes in guns and religion, he’s deeply pro-family and anti-gay.
Well here’s your man:
The Independent - Friday, 21 August
So they voted. But for what? Democracy? Certainly not "Jeffersonian" democracy, as President Obama reminded us. Yes, the Afghans wanted to vote. They showed great courage in the face of the Taliban's threats. But there's a problem.
It's not just the stitched-up Karzai administration that will almost certainly return, nor the war criminals he employs (Abdul Rashid Dostum should be in the dock at The Hague for war crimes, not in Kabul), nor the corruption and the hideous human rights abuses, but the unassailable fact that ethnically-divided societies vote on ethnic lines.
I doubt if anyone in Afghanistan voted yesterday because of the policies of their favourite candidate. They voted for whoever their ethnic leaders told them to vote for. Hence Karzai asked Dostum to deliver him the Uzbek vote. Abdullah Abdullah relies on the Tajik vote, Karzai on the Pashtuns.
It's always the same. In Iraq, the Shia voted in a Shia government. And in Lebanon, Sunni Muslims and a large section of the Christian community voted to keep the Shia out of power. This is not confined to the Muslim world. How many Northern Ireland Protestants vote for Sinn Fein?
But our problem in Afghanistan goes further than this. We still think we can offer Afghans the fruits of our all-so-perfect Western society. We still believe in the Age of Enlightenment and that all we have to do is fiddle with Afghan laws and leave behind us a democratic, gender-equal, human rights-filled society.
True, there are brave souls who fight for this in Afghanistan – and pay for their struggle with their lives – but if you walk into a remote village in, say, Nangarhar province, you can no more persuade its tribal elders of the benefits of women's education than you could persuade Henry VIII of the benefits of parliamentary democracy. Thus the benefits we wish to bestow upon the people of Afghanistan are either cherry-picked (the money comes in handy for the government's corrupt coffers and the election reinforces tribal loyalties) or ignored. In the meantime, Nato soldiers go on dying for the pitiful illusion that we can clean the place up. We can't. We are not going to.
In the end, the people of these foreign fields must decide their own future and develop their societies as and when they wish. Back in 2001, things were different. Had we hoovered up every gun in the land, we might have done some good. Instead, the Americans sloshed millions of dollars at the mass murderers who had originally helped to destroy the place so that they would fight on our side.
Then we wandered off to Iraq and now we are back to fight in Afghanistan for hopelessly unachievable aims. Yes, I like to see people – women and men – voting. I think the Afghans wanted to vote. So, too, the Iraqis. But they also want freedom. Which is not necessarily the same as democracy.
Could be honeycomb
In a sea of honey. A sky of honey
Whose shadow, long and low is slipping out of wet clothes?
And changes into the most beautiful iridescent blue
This is a song of colour
Where sands sing in crimson, red and rust then climb into bed and turn to dust
Every sleepy light must say goodbye to day before it dies
In a sea of honey
A sky of honey
Keep us close to your heart so if the skies turn dark
We may live on in comets and stars
This is a song of colour
Where sands sing in crimson, red and rust
Then climb into bed and turn to dust
Who knows who wrote that song of Summer that blackbirds sing at dusk?
This is a song of colour
Where sands sing in crimson, red and rust
Then climb into bed and turn to dust
Oh, sing of summer and a sunset
And sing for us, so that we may remember
The day writes the words right across the sky
They all go all the way up to the top of the night
Lo nuestro se acabó y te arrepentiras
De haberle puesto fin a un año de amor.
Si ahora tu te vas pronto descubriras
Que los dias son eternos y vacios sin mi.
Y de noche , y de noche por no sentirte solo,
Recordaras nuestros dias felices,
Recordaras el sabor de mis besos.
Y entenderas en un sólo momento
Que significa un año de amor.
Que significa un año de amor.
Te has parado a pensar lo que sucedera
Todo lo que perdemos y lo que sufriras.
Si ahora tu te vas no recuperas
los momentos felices que te hice vivir.
Y de noche , y de noche por no sentirte solo,
Recordaras nuestros dias felices,
Recordaras el sabor de mis besos.
Y entenderas en un sólo momento
Que significa un año de amor.
Y entenderas en un sólo momento
Que significa un año de amor.
Un bel dì, vedremo
Levarsi un fil di fumo
Dall'estremo confin del mare.
E poi la nave appare.
Poi la nave bianca
Entra nel porto,
Romba il suo saluto.
Vedi? È venuto!
Io non gli scendo incontro.
Io no. Mi metto là sul ciglio del
Colle e aspetto, e aspetto gran tempo
E non mi pesa, la lunga atteta.
E uscito dalla folla cittadina
Un uomo, un picciol punto
S'avvia per la collina.
Chi sarà? chi sarà?
E come sarà giunto
Che dirà? Che dirà?
Chiamerà Butterfly dalla lontana.
Io senza dar risposta
Me ne starò nascosta un po' per celia…
E un po' per non morire
Al primo incontro,
Ed egli alquanto in pena chiamerà, chiamerà:
Piccina mogliettina olezzo di verbena,
I nomi che mi dava al suo venire
Tutto questo avverrà,
Te lo prometto
Tienti la tua paura
Io con sicura fede lo aspetto.
Te regalo mi cintura
Y mis labios para cuando quieras besar
Te regalo mi locura
Y las pocas neuronas que quedan ya
Mis zapatos desteñidos
El diario en el que escribo
Te doy hasta mis suspiros
Pero no te vayas mas
Porque eres tú mi sol
La fe con que vivo
La potencia de mi voz
Los pies con que camino
Eres tu amor
Mis ganas de reír
El adiós que no sabré decir
Porque nunca podre vivir sin tí
Si algún dia decidieras
Alejarte nuevamente de aqui
Cerraria cada puerta
Para que nunca pudieras salir
Te regalo mis silencios
Te regalo mi nariz
Yo te doy hasta mis huesos
Pero quédate aqui
Porque eres tú mi sol
La fe con que vivo
La potencia de mi voz
Los pies con que camino
Eres tu amor
Mis ganas de reír
El adiós que no sabré decir
Porque nunca podre vivir sin tí
That’s it.
Xabi Alonso’s just left Liverpool for Real Madrid after five years of loyal, outstanding and more than absolutely beautiful service.
I’m happy but utterly heartbroken!
I am happy for him. Really. Because he wanted to move. Last year, he was the most faithful player in Liverpool after Steven Gerrard. He would’ve rathered sell his brothers to slavery than leave the club but the manager Rafael Benitez wanted Gareth Barry.
Barry was playing for Aston Villa and next to Alonso who’s an utter master in central midfield, the best in the whole world, Barry is just a midfielder. But Benitez got obsessed and went bonkers and actually offered Xabi to Juventus without even asking him whether he wanted to leave.
Eventually nothing happened. Benitez didn’t get Barry. And mostly, we, the Liverpool fans, were outraged he tried to get rid of him. We all deeply love him and we started growing apart from manager who got scared and pretended he wasn’t responsible and played Xabi like he should have.
This year was brilliant for him, and at the end of the season, he was, as usual, the most beloved player in Liverpool after the captain and Scouse (Liverpool-born) Steven Gerrard and even before Jamie Carragher, another Scouse veteran in the club. Huge achievement for a Spaniard after barely five years in a club.
But he got fed up and while he never says anything and never complains about anything publically, he also knows the fans don’t make the team, chose the players but the manager does. And he knew Benitez could easily find another shiny object to go and chase after. He knew his position at Liverpool didn’t depend on his performances anymore (because they are always excellent) but on the good will and stable mental health of the manager.
So he asked for a move after Real Madrid said they wanted him in the center of their new team. After two months of rumours, it’s done. He’s leaving.
I’m happy because I know that’s what he wanted and not what the manager forced him to do like he did with 15 of the 18 other players of the team who won the Champion League in 2005. Only Steven and Jamie are left from that team. Alonso was the last one with them.
I’m happy because he’s a newlywed and unlike me, he loves England but also loves his country. He’s a family and a deep Basque and Spanish man and I know he wants to build a family a home with his parents, brothers and in-laws. I know he wants his son to grow up in Spain. England was good when it was only about him and Nagore but now there’s a whole family and future involved and Spain is the place to do that for him.
But I’m heartbroken. Deeply, truly heartbroken. And that’s the second time. Because in August 2004, Michael Owen also left Liverpool for Real Madrid because he wanted something different and he also knew Benitez had no intention using him as a key player in the team. Steven Gerrard was his target so Michael Owen left for Real Madrid.
That’s the second one who does that: leaving my dear Liverpool for that dreadful Real Madrid.
It can seem silly and pointless because it’s just football but those men are not just football for me. Yes, I find them attractive despite what people think of them but I love them!
I like Steven Gerrard, Frank Lampard, John Arne Riise, Fernando Torres just like I like Andy Roddick, Marat Safin or Jan-Michael Gambill but that’s it.
Michael Owen and Xabi Alonso are, with Thomas Johansson, my heroes. I love them, worship them, admire them for everything they are and do on and off the football pitch or tennis court. They are my role models. If I can be like the persons they are, one day I could say: “I succeed my life”.
Thomas Johansson has more or less retired and and now Xabi’s gone. Just like Michael did five years ago.
I’ll get used to it and will come to the point when I realised he’s not dead but just when to play for a cesspit from Hell! But I’m so scared he might get wasted by the club. They might destroy him like they destroyed Michael. And it took Michael five years to come back to the top with Manchester United today.
So it’s 2009 and I’m a Liverpool FC supporter. For me, Liverpool FC that’s Michael Owen, Xabi Alonso, Steven Gerrard and John Arne Riise.
And now Steven Gerrard’s the only one who’s still here but for how long?
Michael Owen’s now playing for Manchester United: the club I hate the very, very, VERY! most in the world! But at least, they were smart enough to give him a chance and believe in him. That’s more one can say about Liverpool.
Xabi Alonso: Same thing and now he’s gone to play for a club I hate with all my deepest guts and who knows what’s coming over there. Well at least, he’s at home.
Lucky I still have my sweet Djokovic ^^
But something tells me I won’t cry when Liverpool fail to win anything again this year. That serves that bloody Rafael fucking Benitez right!
Yes yes! Gay yet still a football fan.
The Fear.
What did he see?