Nick Youngquest

Nick Wechsler

Nick Symmonds

Nick Auger

Nick Beyeler

Nick Carter

Nick Cornish

Nich Lachey

A lorry carrying supplies to a Vietnamese restaurant in Birmingham had 13 illegal migrants on board when it was stopped in France.
Send them back this is happening every day and this government cannot handle it.
- D.Platten, Hull, 24/8/2009 14:55
I presume then that, within 2 or 3 weeks, the government will be giving them all council houses, 4-500 pounds per week, a free car and of course permanent residence.
- Mark Rees, San Francisco (Ex Pat), 24/8/2009 14:08
Check up in 6 months to see how many of them area still here.
- tony, sheffield, 24/8/2009 13:59
Why are they still in this country? They should have been shipped straight back too the safe country they had left, probably France
- s'me again Shane, Beverley East Yorkshire, 24/8/2009 13:45
Let me know if these people are deported in the next ten years.
- Dab, Cambs England, 24/8/2009 13:16
No doubt they will be allowed to stay , given a house and every benefit going.
- Jax, England., 24/8/2009 12:42
While many delegates will be paid less than £72,713, many political, civil service and business leaders will be paid much more.
1,400 prostitutes offering free sex to conference pass holders.
Critics claim the conference of 192 countries, costing £130million, is a “waste of time”.
summit of hot air.
I notice a lot of blaming the victim going on here. Racism is disgusting and always wrong. Anyone who voted BNP recently take a look - this is the future you voted for.is currently at -121. And at -102, this:
- JamesP., edinburgh, 17/6/2009 9:41
it is very easy to whip up hysteria about immigration but its equally hard to control the nasty forces such hysteria unleashes. We all have a responsibility here.....Whereas commentators who blame the government, rather than the mindless racist thugs, get big positive scores. But Mike in Bristol's comment about immigration hysteria unleashing nasty forces - you can't expect Mail readers to appreciate that.
- Mike, Bristol, 17/6/2009 9:26
'a sleazy toff who once ran a GAY SEX website'.
Sleazy Freddie...an entrepreneur who once set up a sordid gay escort website...The x-rated uniboys.co.uk, promised to connect pervy individuals with £120-an-hour escorts. Services offered included “domination, fetish and role play”. Freddie, 23, and a pal were both advertised as escorts on the website, which is now closed down.
As an historian, I love History. Some parts are quite boring but there’s always something you can pick up and like since its beginning 6000 years ago when humans starts to actually write things down.
More easily sometimes, actually. Take the boys who like to play tough and watch horror movies where you can see people gruesomely tortured. Well here’s what you could see if you were to play in Paris in the Modern Era:
For instance, in France, we have a “problem”…well old narrow-minded bastards have a problems with young bloody pikeys who boo and jeer the national anthem (for Christ’s sake, it’s like Pavlov’s dog. They boo so you react, don’t react and they won’t do it anymore, you half wits!).
Well, it’s easy. Don’t just force them to sing it and love it. Show them what it’s actually saying. For those who aren’t French, here’s pretty much the translation of the part we always sing.
The day of Glory has arrived!
Against us, tyranny’s
Bloody banner is raised,
Do you hear in the countryside
Those ferocious soldiers roaring?
They come up to your arms
To slit the throats of your sons and wives!
Form your battalions!
Let’s march! Let’s march!
May an impure blood
Water our furrows!
And believe when I tell you the rest of it is pretty much the same.
Ask the kids what they want to see in history and take some time to show them that!
I know this man doesn't look like the others I've been posting until now. If he was "a normal guy", he would be in the "Irk" section joining Wayne bloody Rooney and other hideous fart faces who think they are handsome and somehow relevant to anything.
But Gareth Thomas is not a normal man. He is, since yesterday, one of the most courageous man I've ever heard of.
For those who don't know him, Gareth Thomas is a well-respected, hugely talented, powerful, "very manly" (as his peers say) rugby player who holds the record as the most capped Welsh player. He was their captain, the one to lead the country to winning the World Cup in 2005 for the first time since the late 1960s. He also played for the British Lions and he is pretty much considered as the epitome of the rugby player, as a man who symbolises everything about that very manly, macho sport.
Well, that man is gay ! He came out yesterday ending years of painful heartache and misery trying desperately to be who he is not, who he could never be: a straight rugby player.